Blade Song (Colbana Files #1) Read Online

Blade Vocal (Colbana Files #1) past J.C. Daniels

Colbana Files series


  • one Genres and Sub-Genres
  • 2 Series Description or Overview
    • 2.ane Pb's Species
    • 2.ii Master Supe
    • 2.3 What Sets information technology Apart
    • 2.4 Narrative Type and Narrators
  • iii Books in Series
    • iii.i Shorts, Novellas, Anthologies and Guides
  • 4 World Building
    • iv.1 Main Setting
    • 4.2 Supernatural Elements
      • iv.2.1 Glossary:
      • 4.2.two Groups & Organizations:
    • four.3 World
    • 4.4 Protagonist
    • four.5 Sidekick
    • 4.6 Characters Chart
  • v Author
  • 6 Contributors
    • 6.i Cover Artists
    • 6.2 Other Contributors:
  • 7 Publishing Data
  • 8 Volume Cover Blurbs
  • 9 First Sentences
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 Awards
  • xiii Read Alikes (similar elements)
  • 14 Notes
  • 15 See As well
  • 16 External References
  • 17 Gallery of Book Covers

Genres and Sub-Genres [ ]

Urban Fantasy; Paranormal

Serial Description or Overview [ ]

It had the basic iii groups, shifters, vampires and witches. An added race was a near extinct and forgotten race of non human assassins called the Aneiris. The heroine was half Aneiris and half human being so she was considered worthless to the Aneiris. She now worked as a private investigator. The story involves her existence hired by the Cat shifters in Orlando to detect a missing boy on the cusp of his commencement change. ~ Goodreads | Jacqueline

Lead's Species [ ]

  • One-half Aneiris and half human

Primary Supe [ ]

  • Shape-shifters, Vampires, and Witches

What Sets information technology Apart [ ]

  • Amazonian race of warriors — Aneiris
  • Differnt takes on vampirism and becoming a were.

Narrative Blazon and Narrators [ ]

  • First-person narrative told by Kit Colbana

Books in Serial [ ]

Colbana Files serial:

  1. Bract Song (2012)
  2. Night Bract (2013)
  3. Cleaved Blade (2014)
  4. Edged Blade (2015)
  5. Shadowed Blade (Mar 15, 2016)

Shorts, Novellas, Anthologies and Guides [ ]

  • 0.v. "A Stroke of Dumb Luck" (2011) ~ Costless
  • 0.6. "Bladed Magic" (2014)

Globe Building [ ]

Chief Setting [ ]

E Orlando, Florida


  • Wolf Oasis: the no-human'southward land—where Kit establish refuge years before and retreated to again;

Supernatural Elements [ ]

✥ Paranormal-PI, warrior race of assassins, cat shifters, werewolves, vampires, witches, magic sword, ancient relic, rat-shifters, psychic, fae

Glossary: [ ]

  • Aneiris: a warrior race—like Amazons, only more cruel
  • Torque: shifter-made drug—designed to go along up with their metabolism; like an overdose of ecstasy and heroin combined. When humans got their easily on it, information technology did bad, bad things.

Groups & Organizations: [ ]

  • Imprint: not-human being law enforcement agency—Imprint units are a bit like exterminators for non-human's, they eliminate non-human's deemed likewise mortiferous to live
  • Assembly:
  • Rat Pack: Unsavory problem in Orlando—drugs, theft, etc.

World [ ]

✥ It's roughly fifty years from now, in a earth that's just like our own, only magic is there. The dominant non-man species are shapeshifters and witches, and there are vampires. My heroine isn't any of them. ~ Interview | Scooper Speaks

✥ In this world, supernaturals take gone public and accept been living alongside humans for 50 years. So, you lot take a group called Banner, (an extermination group) that targets unsafe non humans when they pace out of line and cause problems. I'm not certain who is scarier, Kit or the Banner grouping. ~ Goodreads | Gizmo'southward

✥ There is a virus that causes lycanthropy in this world; information technology's a bang-up deal similar AIDS, in that it is spread through blood or sex (or heredity, or, of grade, a bite). Different Buss, this isn't post-apocalyptic, though, and unlike AIDS, information technology's almost likely you'll survive getting this virus. Not definite; lots of those who contract the virus die of information technology, but a per centum do go far and gain the ability to shift into a creature (wolves, rats, and various large cats are featured), benefiting from enhanced healing, speed, strength, all the usual practiced parts… ~ Goodreads reader | Tracy

Protagonist [ ]

Kit Colonna—young warrior

Kit Colbana is a half-brood assassin with an analogousness for swords. She is a species that about people know little to null about. She was raised by her grandmother who had trivial use for her and did nothing but tell her what a pathetic waste of space she was. Kit has left the realm where her family lives and now lives in Florida. This world has cat shifters, werewolves, vampires and wtches. ~ Rabid Reads

✥ She may exist half human but the half Aneria office of her is a tough warrior with magic. Kit's magic connects her to her sword and weapons sing to her, when in whatever kind of dangerous situation her sword will magically appear in her hand. Kit can also make herself disappear. Kit was subjected to beatings and tormented on a daily ground by her grandmother, and although Kit has survived she still suffers from reoccurring terrifying nightmares. As a tough private investigator Kit has simply one weakness—cases involving kids. And so when Damon the Cat Association of Florida's enforcer shows her a picture of a runaway child called Doyle Kit finds herself roped into finding him. ~ My keeper shelf

Kitasa (Kit) Colbana is an investigator/bounty hunter who has a knack for killing things. She'south part Aneira (come across Amazon warrior) and part human. She has the ability to fade out (go invisible) and was trained to not but be an assassin, just a thief as well. She is also being chased by a vampire (Jude) thanks to request him for aid with a frail state of affairs six years before.

"My sword aim is mighty. I will not falter. I volition not neglect." Kit's mantra ~ Goodreads Reader

Kit Colbana is a individual investigator in the k hard-boiled tradition. She's struggling to brand ends encounter, only refuses to take work from whatever quarter which she knows will only bring more trouble to her than do good, like the vampires. She also generally avoids were-cats, just when the case that's brought to her—by a drop-dead gorgeous shapeshifter named Damon–involves a boy, a 16-year-onetime in the throes of his get-go modify, which means he's a mess–and at present he'southward missing. She should walk abroad; the cat Alpha is crazy, and crazy plus claws is bad… but the boy needs assistance. She takes the instance.

Kit Colbana is half human, half aneira–and this is what has led to her Problems; in a earth where "non-humans"–weres and witches and vampires (and aneira) and humans are struggling to get along, being of mixed blood can take unpleasant consequences–especially when the relatives of the "non-human" half are completely intolerant of what they consider mongrels. Kit was raised by her grandmother. Blackball from your heed all the usual connotations "raised" and "grandmother" ordinarily have, and you'll start to go why Kit is damaged. It's realistically, wrenchingly, portrayed: what Kit has survived is a part of her that she does not cull to share or dwell on, but when it comes out in $.25 and fragments it is never played for the sympathy of the reader. It happened. It still affects her. Pity her at your own peril. ~ Goodreads reader | Tracy

✥ It'south nigh a heroine who isn't even half as strong equally the people around her–she has a foul oral fissure, a sharp sword and when she's pissed or scared, her first instinct is to poke at everything around her with something sharp. ~ Under Covers, Interview

✥ Kit is a combination of strength and vulnerability. Her apply of blowing to mask a lifetime of pain. It makes her a realistic and relatable heroine. Survival becomes Kit'due south daily goal. Kit'due south unimaginable history of torture is fodder for the PTSD that she experiences. She is a woman navigating through the emotional repercussions of trauma (keeping in mind that her recent trauma probable brought back pain and memories of her torture at the hands of her family unit years ago). Kit is definitely a badass. She'due south potent, intelligent, and resourceful with a past that would cripple a bottom person. ~ Literary Escapism: Interview 

Sidekick [ ]

  • Name: / What: / Sidekick-to: / Nearly: / Book First Seen In:

Characters Chart [ ]

Characters What About
Kitasa (Kit) Colbana PI, Half-Aneira One-half-Human, Hired Killer PI/compensation hunter who has a knack for killing things; function Aneira; Has the power to fade out; trained assassin & thief; Registered member of Assembly
Damon Lee Cat Shifter, Afterwards Alpha of the True cat Association Surly and Snarly; Primary Grapheme; Dearest Involvement of Kit
Doyle Werecat(Tiger), one-half aneira Damon's ward; Kit saved him in book ane; Kit's cousin; Kit'due south intern
Bonner Werewolf Drug dealer
My Lady (Annette) Blastoff of the cat association Summoned Kit for a job: Find a missing were child(Doyle); Insane; Very expressionless :)
Jude Whittier Vampire Interested in Kit; Previously helped Kit with wererats; Captured and abused Kit; Evil
Justin Unaffiliated Witch(Warrior), Banner cop Kit'southward one-time lover; Banner Cop, Metallurgy Gift; Kit's partner/all-time friend
Colleen Green Roads Witch (Pacifist) Kit's friend
Chang Cat Shifter Damon'southward right hand man, friend, and spy
Padraig Independant

Witch (Warrior)

Friend of Kit and Justin; Associated with Imprint
Paddy Warrior Witch Friend of Kit and Justin; Has wood magic; Unknown business firm
Amund Vampire Millennia-old; Head of House Amund
Albion Whittier Vampire Oldest Vampire in the series; Caput of Business firm Whittier


Vampire Kit and Justin's friend; Non bad for a vampire; Assists Kit in some cases
Robin Goodfellow (Puck) Fae; Hobgoblin Evil; Shapeshifter; An enemy of Kit'south
Es(Dolores) Warrior Witch Mother of Green Road House; Kit's friend; Speaker of the Associates
Tate Green Roads Witch (Warrior) Possesses fire magic; Kind of a Bitch

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J C Daniels

[ ]

J.C. Daniels

  • Website: J.C. Daniels
  • Genres: Urban Fantasy
  • Other Pen Names: Shiloh Walker (PNR, Romance)

Bio: J.C. Daniels is the pen name of writer Shiloh Walker. J.C./Shiloh has been writing since she was a kid... she fell in love with vampires with the book Bunnicula and has worked her fashion up to the more...ah... serious vampire stories. She loves reading and writing annihilation paranormal, annihilation fantasy, simply most all anything romantic. Once upon a fourth dimension, she worked as a nurse, just at present she writes total time and lives with her family in the Midwest. ~ Shelfari and Goodreads

✥ I'g a mom, a married woman, a reader, a writer. That's in a nutshell. The longer version? I married my high school sweetheart. We take three kids. I used to exist a nurse, and sometimes, I withal am, when they make me. (Plenty to go on my license agile.) I read a lot of books, I write a lot. I take more pictures than any person really should and I'm addicted to many things geek. ~ Fab Fantasy Fiction: Interview

  • Total Bio: Well-nigh | Shiloh Walker

Contributors [ ]

Cover Artists [ ]

  • Artist: Angela Waters, of Angela Waters Art — Source: Paperback Writer: Ten Questions for J.C. Daniels

Other Contributors: [ ]

  • Audio Book Narrator: — Source:
  • Editor: — Source:

Publishing Information [ ]

  • Publisher:
  • Author Page:
  1. Blade Song:
  2. Night Blade:
  3. Broken Blade:
  4. Edged Bract:
  5. Shadowed Bract:

Volume Encompass Blurbs [ ]

Volume ONE—Blade Vocal (2012): Kit Colbana—half breed, assassinator, thief, jack of all trades—has a new job: track down the missing ward of 1 of the local alpha shapeshifters. It should be a easy. So why is she so nervous? It probably has something to exercise with the insanity that happens when you deal with shifters—especially sexy ones who come bearing promises of easy jobs and easier coin. Or maybe it's all the other missing kids that Kit discovers while working the case, or the manner her gut keeps screaming she's gotten in over her caput. Or possibly information technology's considering if she fails—she'south dead. If she tin can stay simply ane step ahead, she should exist okay. Mayhap she'll even live long to collect her fee… ~ Blade Vocal, Book #1 | J.C. Daniels

BOOK Ii—Night Bract (2013): Kit Colbana is always biting off more than than she can chew. She has a knack for finding trouble. This time, though, trouble finds her. Someone from her by drops a case into her lap that she only tin can't turn down…literally. People on the Council are dying left and correct and she's been requested to investigate the deaths. The number one suspect? Her lover, Damon. If she doesn't clear his name, he gets a death sentence. Fifty-fifty if she succeeds? They all the same might try to execute him. Oh, and she's not allowed to tell him most the instance, either. The stakes are high this time effectually, higher than they've ever been. Kit may exist forced to pay the ultimate toll to save her lover's life…a price that could destroy her and everything she loves. ~ Night Blade, Book #2 | J.C. Daniels

Book 3—Broken Bract (2014): Kit Colbana: assassin, thief, investigator extraordinaire. At present broken. She e'er expected her past to take hold of upward with her just never like this. Haunted by nightmares and stripped of her identity, she'due south retreated to Wolf Oasis, the no-man'south state where she institute refuge years before. But while she might desire to hide away from the balance of the world, the rest of the world isn't taking the hint. Dragged kicking and screaming back into life, Kit is thrust head-first into an investigation surrounding the theft of an ancient relic…i that she wants nothing to do with. Her instincts tell her information technology's a bad idea to just leave the relic lying near, simply finding it might exist just every bit bad. Forced to face her nightmares, she uncovers subconscious strength and comes confront to face up with one of the globe'south original monsters. If she survives the chore, she won't be the same…and neither will those closest to her. ~ Broken Bract | J.C. Daniels

BOOK FOUR—Edged Blade (2015): In the yr since her life was torn apart, Kit Colbana has slowly rebuilt herself. There's a promise of hope in the relationship with the blastoff of the local shapeshifters and she no longer comes screaming into wakefulness. Life's not perfect merely then again, when was it e'er? When her all-time friend Justin comes to her for assistance, there's lilliputian question as to what her answer will be. Witches are disappearing and Justin won't rest until he has answers. Soon, they learn that it's not just witches who've gone missing, simply vampires and shifters, too. Unlikely alliances are forged equally Kit and Justin constitute themselves drawn into a twisted web of lies and expose. Equally the clock counts downwardly and the culprit behind contempo disappearances is revealed, those Kit loves the virtually become the target of somebody who volition kill to protect an ugly hugger-mugger. ~ Edged Blade | J.C. Daniels

Book 5—Shadowed Bract (March 15, 2016): ~ Goodreads | Shadowed Blade (Colbana Files, #5) past J.C. Daniels

Beginning Sentences [ ]

  1. Blade Vocal (2012) — I'grand the descendant of som legendary badasses and I'll damn well brand myself wake up.
  2. Dark Blade (2013) – I am Aneira. My blade is stiff. Strong enough to handle a lot of things only non enough to handle the 4 shifters who had been abaft me all 24-hour interval.
  3. Cleaved Blade (2014) — I am Aneira. My heart is strong. Now information technology'due south broken. I am cleaved.
  4. Edged Blade (2015) — Prep could be a pain in the ass.
  5. Adumbral Blade (2016) —

Quotes [ ]

  • J.C. Daniels Quotes (Author of Blade Song)
  • Colbana Files Series

Trivia [ ]

  • Lists That Contain Blade Song (Colbana Files #one) by J.C. Daniels
  • Lists That Incorporate Night Blade (Colbana Files #2) past J.C. Daniels
  • Lists That Incorporate Broken Bract (Colbana Files #3) past J.C. Daniels
  • Lists That Contain Edged Blade (Colbana Files, #4) by J.C. Daniels

Awards [ ]

Read Alikes (similar elements) [ ]

  • Mercy Thompson series
  • Kate Daniels serial
  • Riley Jenson Guardian series
  • Alpha and Omega serial
  • Nighttime Huntress series
  • Downside Ghosts serial
  • Sentinels of New Orleans series
  • Jane Yellowrock series
  • Others series
  • Jessica McClain series
  • Urban Fantasy Links

See Category links at bottom of folio

Notes [ ]

  • This series is cocky-published.

Well, the Colbana books aren't romance. If any of my readers choice upwardly BLADE Vocal and wait it to be like my paranormal romances, they might exist in for a disappointment. Information technology's got the action that many of my paranormal books do, but my paranormal romances tend to be focused on the activeness and the romance…that's non the case with Kit's series. At that place is a romantic subplot, but that'south merely a thread of her story and in that location'south no overnice, neat niggling bow at the end. ~ Blood Rose Books: Blogoversary: J. C. Daniels Interview

See Also [ ]

  • UF Book Release Schedules
  • List of Sidekicks
  • List of Vampires of Urban Fantasy
  • Characters (category)
  • Lists and Articles (category)
  • Urban Fantasy Links

Category links at bottom of folio

External References [ ]


  • Urban Fantasy | J.C. Daniels ~ Author
  • Goodreads | Colbana Files series by Shiloh Walker  ~ Goodreads
  •  J C Daniels ~ FF
  • Colbana Files - Serial Bibliography ~ ISFdb
  • Colbana Files Series ~ Shelfari
  • Colbana Files | Series | LibraryThing ~ LibraryThing
  • FictFact - Colbana Files serial by Shiloh Walker ~ FictFact
  • Shiloh Walker - Summary Bibliography ~ ISFdb (author)

Freebies & Excerpts:

  • "A Stroke of Dumb Luck" #0.five — brusk story by Shiloh Walker |
  • Urban Fantasy | J.C. Daniels ~ Excerpts of series
  • Fun & Free | J.C. Daniels ~ Freebies folio

World, Characters, etc:

  • Colbana Files Serial


  • J.C. Daniels | RT Book Reviews

one- Bract Song (2012)

  • Review: Bract Song by J. C. Daniels |
  • My keeper shelf: Review: Nighttime Blade by J.C. Daniels
  • Review: Bract Song – INscribe Digital – J.C. Daniels | The Romanceaholic

ii- Night Blade (2013)

  • REVIEW: Dark Blade past J. C. Daniels - Dear Author
  • Review: Night Blade past J.C. Daniels |

3- Broken Blade (2014)

  • BROKEN BLADE | RT Book Reviews

4- Edged Blade (2015)

  • Edged Bract by J.C. Daniels | Literary Escapism
  • Review: Edged Blade by J.C. Daniels | Rabid Reads
  • Review: Edged Bract by J.C. Daniels - Fiction Vixen
  • Review: Edged Bract past J.C. Daniels | That's What I'chiliad Talking Well-nigh...
  • Review: Edged Blade past JC Daniels


  • Bract Vocal by J C Daniels Book Trailer - Video Dailymotion


  • Interview with J.C. Daniels - Under the Covers Book Blog
  • Fab Fantasy Fiction: INTERVIEW, & EXCERPT: J.C. Daniels - Broken Blade #ane
  • Paperback Writer: Ten Questions for J.C. Daniels, Blade Vocal #one
  • Blood Rose Books: Blogoversary: J. C. Daniels, Blade Vocal #one Interview
  • Interview with J.C. Daniels - lade Song #ane | Scooper Speaks


  • Angela Waters - ISFdb Summary Bibliography


  • J.C. Daniels
  • Goodreads | J.C. Daniels (Author of Blade Song)

Community, Fan Sites:

  • j.c. daniels | Tumblr

Gallery of Book Covers [ ]


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